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For over 45 years, Bantex South Africa has produced stationery products for national and international distribution. Our cutting-edge design, manufacturing technology and production team has made Bantex a trusted household name.
Our tried and tested range of top quality stationery has been the preferred choice for generations of South African scholars and students. All our stationery, filing and presentation solutions is designed to help learners be more organised and efficient on their educational journey.
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Forget what you’ve learnt
The education revolution begins
Technological advances are disrupting and changing the educational setting across the globe. Emerging technologies are evolving and will play a key role in the future of education, how information is delivered, how content is distributed and how students will be assessed.
Here’s a few interesting trends that are changing the way kids learn and view the world.
Video-based learning
By the end of 2019 more than 80% of the internet traffic was driven by video consumption, with more growth expected in 2020. More than 2.3 billion people are active on YouTube, watching video content for entertainment and education.
A large portion of the human brain is devoted to processing visual information. The brain reacts to visual stimuli faster than text. Information is also processed faster and retained in the mind for a longer period. Which explains why video is rapidly becoming a preferred learning platform for students and an integral part in the digital evolution of leading education institutions.
Self-paced learning
Leaders in education are embracing the concept of ‘personalised learning’ or ‘self-paced learning’. Classes of students are not tied to traditional grade levels, but rather individually advance at their own pace. Once a student has mastered a concept, they move on, independent of their classmates. Students have more control over when, where and how they learn.
This trend is predicted to grow as technology keeps advancing, with institutions investing more in digital learning platforms and less in traditional, outdated classroom-based teaching methods.
Genius Hour
Smart teachers are introducing ‘Genius Hour’ into their classrooms. During this time, students are given an opportunity to look at the world around them and explore their own interests. As a learning experiment, Genius Hour promotes creativity, research, inquiry and self-directed learning. “Genius Hour isn’t just a time for students to choose what they want to learn. It’s time for them to find themselves in their creative work” – A. J. Juliani
Virtual Reality
Studies prove that Virtual Reality (VR) helps the brain process information even faster than video and Interactive Gamification. VR is being turned into a type of ‘edutainment’ – where learning and entertainment are combined. Take the subject of biology as an example, using VR, a student can view the intricate detail of a 3D skeleton, making it easier to process and retain the visual learnings. As VR becomes more cost-effective, it will become a vital part in certain sectors of education.
Creating leaders of tomorrow
Empathy and compassion, open communication and meaningful relationships with classmates are currently the most relevant aspects of emotional intelligence in education. Creating a positive classroom culture is impossible without empathy. Creating a positive future for humanity, is also impossible without empathy. Teaching empathy and compassion is the key to building trust and friendship among students. And hopefully the key to building a better future for mankind.
We never stop learning
The teacher of the future will nurture learners, not just feed information. They will guide their students through activities and share in the wonder of discovery. The role of the teacher is shifting from someone who knows stuff, to someone who is learning stuff, like the rest of the class. The difference is, the teacher has extensive experience at learning and that’s the key to guiding young minds through uncertainty or failure, problem-solving, questioning and passionate curiosity. Essentially, teachers are becoming guides in the digital landscape, to equip students with the skills they need to obtain knowledge on their own.